Combining all-time greats across all eras, you can now play as your favorite school with it’s best players ever! Imagine today’s great QB throwing passes to the top targets from your childhood. Top sack artists and ball-hawks from different decades leading a salty defense! We have started with all-time teams from the top 16 programs…
What is Whoa Nellie College Football?!?

It is a cards & dice simulation of a college football game. Play as a team from this past season or a team from yesteryear!
Four teams come in the base game, so you can create your own playoff with your favorites and/or their rivals!
Want to settle a split National Championship from the past? Just obtain the two teams and play it out yourself! Finally, the what-ifs can be known!
All 2021 Teams Now Available!
We’re able to produce the most current season’s teams as soon as their season is over. There is no need to wait. Don’t delay!
WN Card change, coming Dec. 1
We’re going to start including the “alternative” WN card in with the game as the default. Customers have voiced their preference for the randomness of that mechanism over the purposeful, chosen style of the original WN card. The original WN card will still be available in our shared Google folder. Thank you all for your…
This is the Base Game and Includes Everything!!!
Get started playing Whoa Nellie College Football with the base game for just $35.
It comes with everything you need to recreate games from the past or to play out your favorite 'what if' matchups!
Take a look around the site, as we offer hundreds of teams and many products to add to your game catalogue. It all starts here, though, with the base game and the 4 teams (of your choosing) that come along with it.